
  1. Installation mit Pipenv:

    $ pipenv install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
    Installing jupyter_contrib_nbextensions…
  2. Installation der zugehörigen Javascript- und CSS-Dateien:

    $ pipenv run jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
    [I 20:57:19 InstallContribNbextensionsApp] jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
    [I 20:57:19 InstallContribNbextensionsApp] Installing jupyter_contrib_nbextensions nbextension files to jupyter data directory
    [I 20:57:20 InstallContribNbextensionsApp] - Writing config: /Users/veit/.jupyter/jupyter_nbconvert_config.json
    [I 20:57:20 InstallContribNbextensionsApp] --  Writing updated config file /Users/veit/.jupyter/jupyter_nbconvert_config.json
  3. Überprüfen der Installation:

    $ pipenv run jupyter nbextension list
    Known nbextensions:
      config dir: /Users/veit/.jupyter/nbconfig
        notebook section
          nbextensions_configurator/config_menu/main  enabled
          - Validating: problems found:
            - require?  X nbextensions_configurator/config_menu/main
          contrib_nbextensions_help_item/main  enabled
          - Validating: OK
        tree section
          nbextensions_configurator/tree_tab/main  enabled
          - Validating: problems found:
            - require?  X nbextensions_configurator/tree_tab/main
      config dir: /Users/veit/.local/share/virtualenvs/jupyter-tutorial--q5BvmfG/bin/../etc/jupyter/nbconfig
        notebook section
          jupyter-js-widgets/extension  enabled
          - Validating: OK
  4. Latex environments

    $ pipenv run jupyter nbextension install --py latex_envs --user
    Installing /Users/veit/.local/share/virtualenvs/jupyter-tutorial--q5BvmfG/lib/python3.7/site-packages/latex_envs/static -> latex_envs
    - Validating: OK
        To initialize this nbextension in the browser every time the notebook (or other app) loads:
              jupyter nbextension enable latex_envs --user --py
    $ pipenv run jupyter nbextension enable --py latex_envs --user
    Enabling notebook extension latex_envs/latex_envs...
          - Validating: OK
  5. yapf Code Prettyfier

    Für Python:

    $ pipenv install yapf
    Installing yapf…
    Collecting yapf
      Downloading (180kB)
    Installing collected packages: yapf
    Successfully installed yapf-0.28.0

    Für Javascript:

    $ npm install js-beautify
    + js-beautify@1.10.0
    added 29 packages from 21 contributors and audited 32 packages in 2.632s
    found 0 vulnerabilities

    Für R:

    $ Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("formatR", "jsonlite"), repos="")'
    Installiere Pakete nach ‘/usr/local/lib/R/3.6/site-library’
  6. Highlighter

    $ pipenv run jupyter nbextension install  --user
    Downloading: -> /var/folders/_4/cs4t3m8d4ys8lcs67r3lghtw0000gn/T/tmpn9qrcrdz/
    Extracting: /var/folders/_4/cs4t3m8d4ys8lcs67r3lghtw0000gn/T/tmpn9qrcrdz/ -> /Users/veit/Library/Jupyter/nbextensions
    $ pipenv run jupyter nbextension enable highlighter/highlighter
    Enabling notebook extension highlighter/highlighter...
          - Validating: OK
  7. nbTranslate

    $ pipenv install jupyter_latex_envs --upgrade --user
    Installing jupyter_latex_envs…
    $ pipenv run jupyter nbextension install --py latex_envs --user
    Installing /srv/jupyter/.local/share/virtualenvs/jupyterhub-aFv4x91W/lib/python3.5/site-packages/latex_envs/static -> latex_envs
    $ pipenv run jupyter nbextension enable --py latex_envs