Embed Jupyter widgets#

Jupyter widgets can be serialised and then embedded in other contexts:

  • static web pages

  • Sphinx documentation

  • HTML converted notebooks on Nbviewer

The npm package @jupyter-widgets/html-manager allows embedding in two different ways:

  • embedding the standard elements that can be used on any website

  • embedding with RequireJS also for custom widgets.

Embed widgets in HTML pages#

The widgets menu provides several options for this:

Save Notebook Widget State

A notebook file is saved with the current widget status as metadata. This allows to be rendered with the widgets in the browser.

Clear Notebook Widget State

The widget status metadata is deleted from the notebook file.

Embed widgets

The menu item offers a dialog box with an HTML page on which the current widgets are embedded. The RequireJS embedder is used to support custom widgets.


The first script tag loads RequireJS from a CDN. However, RequireJS should be made available on the site itself and this script tag should be deleted.


The second script tag loads the RequireJS widget embedder. This defines suitable modules and then sets up a function for rendering all widget views contained on the page.

If you only embed standard widgets and don’t use RequireJS, you can replace the first two script tags with a script tag that loads the standard script.

Download Widget State

The option downloads a JSON file that contains the serialized status of all widget models currently in use in the application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json format specified in the @jupyter-widgets/schema npm package.

Sphinx integration#

Jupyter Sphinx#

jupyter_sphinx enables jupyter-specific functions in Sphinx. It can be installed with pip.


Adds jupyter_sphinx.embed_widgets to the list of extensions in the conf.py file.

Then you can use the following directives in reStructuredText:

from ipywidgets import Button, IntSlider, VBox, jsdlink
s1, s2 = IntSlider(max=200, value=100), IntSlider(value=40)
b = Button(icon="legal")
jsdlink((s1, "value"), (s2, "max"))
VBox([s1, s2, b])


.. ipywidgets-setup::

   from ipywidgets import VBox, jsdlink, IntSlider, Button

.. ipywidgets-display::

   s1, s2 = IntSlider(max=200, value=100), IntSlider(value=40)
   b = Button(icon="legal")
   jsdlink((s1, "value"), (s2, "max"))
   VBox([s1, s2, b])


The ipywidgets-setup and ipywidgets-display directives have the following options:


with the option :show: to display the setup code as a code block


with the following options:


doesn’t show the code, only the widget



shows the code after the widget


Alternate text if the widget cannot be rendered

See also
