ipyparallel magics#

import ipyparallel as ipp

rc = ipp.Client()
with rc[:].sync_imports():
    from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
    from numpy.linalg import eigvals
    from numpy.random import rand
    from numpy.random import random
importing plot from matplotlib.pyplot on engine(s)
importing eigvals from numpy.linalg on engine(s)
importing rand from numpy.random on engine(s)
importing random from numpy.random on engine(s)
%px a = rand(2,2)
%px eigvals(a)
Out[0:2]: array([0.92645255, 0.48484728])
Out[3:2]: array([0.23462225, 0.7614717 ])
Out[1:2]: array([1.36472418, 0.17225772])
Out[2:2]: array([0.88215574, 0.01329861])
%px print("hi")
[stdout:0] hi

[stdout:1] hi

[stdout:2] hi

[stdout:3] hi

%px %matplotlib inline
%px plot(rand(100))
Out[3:5]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x12c926f50>]
Out[2:5]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1180bc3d0>]
Out[1:5]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x116a39b10>]
Out[0:5]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1164c5e50>]

%%px cell magic#

--targets, --block and --noblock

%%px --targets ::2
print("I am even")
[stdout:0] I am even

[stdout:2] I am even

%%px --targets 1
print("I am number 1")
[stdout:1] I am number 1

print("still all by default")
[stdout:0] still all by default

[stdout:1] still all by default

[stdout:2] still all by default

[stdout:3] still all by default

%%px --noblock
import time
<AsyncResult(%px): pending>
Out[0:8]: 1687880859.822293
Out[1:8]: 1687880859.82328
Out[2:8]: 1687880859.825772
Out[3:7]: 1687880859.823294
%%px --block --group-outputs=engine
a = random((2,2))
ev = eigvals(a)
[stdout:0] [-0.28021424  0.98267777]

Out[0:9]: 0.9826777676672127
[stdout:1] [-0.21385117  0.65604043]

[stdout:3] [-0.01307275  1.11437227]

Out[1:9]: 0.6560404264968436
[stdout:2] [ 1.0290232  -0.55640908]

Out[3:8]: 1.1143722684611335
Out[2:9]: 1.0290231951538584


dview = rc[:]
dview.block = False
%px print("hi")
[stdout:0] hi

[stdout:1] hi

[stdout:2] hi

[stdout:3] hi



%pxconfig --block
%px print("hi")
[stdout:0] hi

[stdout:1] hi

[stdout:2] hi

[stdout:3] hi

%pxconfig --targets ::2
%px print("hi")
[stdout:0] hi

[stdout:2] hi

%pxconfig --noblock
%px print("hi")
<AsyncResult(%px): pending>


dview = rc[:]
%autopx enabled
max_evals = []
for i in range(100):
    a = rand(10, 10)
    a = a + a.transpose()
    evals = eigvals(a)
print(f"Average max eigenvalue is: {sum(max_evals)/len(max_evals)}")
[stdout:0] Average max eigenvalue is: 10.16283266814223

[stdout:1] Average max eigenvalue is: 10.107913323305741

[stdout:2] Average max eigenvalue is: 10.107616513254618

[stdout:3] Average max eigenvalue is: 10.040409820953181

Multiple active views#

Magics of ipyparallel are assigned to certain DirectView objects. However, the active view can be changed by calling the activate() method on a view.

even = rc[::2]
%px print("hi")
<AsyncResult(%px): pending>
even.block = True
%px print("hi")
[stdout:0] hi

[stdout:2] hi

If you activate the view, you can also specify a suffix so that it can be assigned to a whole range of magics without replacing the existing ones.

<DirectView all>
%px print("hi")
[stdout:0] hi

[stdout:1] hi

[stdout:2] hi

[stdout:3] hi

%px_even print("We aren’t odd!")
[stdout:0] We aren’t odd!

[stdout:2] We aren’t odd!

This suffix is used at the end of all magics, e.g.%autopx_even, %pxresult_even etc.

For the sake of simplicity, also Client has an activate() method that creates a DirectView with block = True, activates it, and returns the new view.

The initial magics that are registered when a client is created are the result of the call rc.activate() with standard arguments.

Engines as kernel#

Engines are actually the same object as IPython kernels, with the only exception that engines connect to a controller, while regular kernels bind their sockets directly to connections to their front end.

Sometimes you will connect your front end directly to an engine for debugging or analysing the interaction more directly. You can also do this by instructing the engine to bind its kernel to your frontend as well:

%px import ipyparallel as ipp; ipp.bind_kernel()
%px %qtconsole


Be careful with this statement, as it starts as many QtConsoles as there are engines available.

Alternatively, you can also display the connection information and determine how you can establish a connection to the engines, depending on where they live and where you are:

%px %connect_info
[stdout:0] {
  "shell_port": 63143,
  "iopub_port": 63148,
  "stdin_port": 63154,
  "control_port": 63167,
  "hb_port": 63156,
  "ip": "",
  "key": "defc3484-e06d43284f54a3939ad7eec2",
  "transport": "tcp",
  "signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256",
  "kernel_name": ""

Paste the above JSON into a file, and connect with:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing <file>
or, if you are local, you can connect with just:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing /srv/jupyter/.ipython/profile_default/security/kernel-11237.json
or even just:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing
if this is the most recent Jupyter kernel you have started.

[stdout:1] {
  "shell_port": 63145,
  "iopub_port": 63149,
  "stdin_port": 63153,
  "control_port": 63165,
  "hb_port": 63155,
  "ip": "",
  "key": "defc3484-e06d43284f54a3939ad7eec2",
  "transport": "tcp",
  "signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256",
  "kernel_name": ""

Paste the above JSON into a file, and connect with:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing <file>
or, if you are local, you can connect with just:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing /srv/jupyter/.ipython/profile_default/security/kernel-11238.json
or even just:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing
if this is the most recent Jupyter kernel you have started.

[stdout:2] {
  "shell_port": 63147,
  "iopub_port": 63152,
  "stdin_port": 63160,
  "control_port": 63166,
  "hb_port": 63161,
  "ip": "",
  "key": "defc3484-e06d43284f54a3939ad7eec2",
  "transport": "tcp",
  "signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256",
  "kernel_name": ""

Paste the above JSON into a file, and connect with:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing <file>
or, if you are local, you can connect with just:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing /srv/jupyter/.ipython/profile_default/security/kernel-11239.json
or even just:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing
if this is the most recent Jupyter kernel you have started.

[stdout:3] {
  "shell_port": 63150,
  "iopub_port": 63159,
  "stdin_port": 63162,
  "control_port": 63169,
  "hb_port": 63163,
  "ip": "",
  "key": "defc3484-e06d43284f54a3939ad7eec2",
  "transport": "tcp",
  "signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256",
  "kernel_name": ""

Paste the above JSON into a file, and connect with:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing <file>
or, if you are local, you can connect with just:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing /srv/jupyter/.ipython/profile_default/security/kernel-11240.json
or even just:
    $> jupyter <app> --existing
if this is the most recent Jupyter kernel you have started.